Axis Bank

Does your customer require specialist Buy to Let lending at competitive rates? Axis Bank offer lending options for customers purchasing a BTL in England and South Wales (Gwent, Mid/South/West Glamorgan Counties).

Axis Bank key BTL features:

  • Professional landlords with large portfolios - maximum 5 loans with Axis but unlimited elsewhere
  • Available to Limited Companies (SPVs)
  • House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) - Up to 6 bedrooms
  • Multi-Unit Freehold Blocks - Up to 6 units
  • Student Lets - Up to 6 bedrooms
  • Properties above Commercial premises considered
  • Available for Holiday Lets including Airbnb's (assessed as if on standard AST)
  • Rental calculated on pay rate (5 year fixed rates)
  • Minimum loan of £100,000
  • Maximum loan of £1,000,000
  • Maximum lending with Axis £5,000,000
  • Ex-Pats considered (minimum income £40,000)

Axis are here to help your landlords 

  • Loans for experienced landlords - must have at least 3 existing BTL properties
  • Standard product range for individuals and limited companies
  • Specialist product range for more complex requirements, Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Multi-Units Freehold Blocks and Ex-Pat borrowers
  • No minimum income
  • A range of product options, including longer term fixed rates to fit individual needs
  • Lending available across the whole of England and Southern Wales (Gwent and Glamorgan counties)
To discuss Axis Bank please call Impact Packaging on : 01403 27 26 25 (option 2) or email us at

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